On November 9th it was that time again – in cooperation with the Barmer Krankenkasse we celebrated our 2nd Health day carried out after 2017!
This day was again all about health, with the focus on healthy eating. Delicious and healthy through the working day! – That was also the current motto:
For many working people it is a challenge to eat well in the hustle and bustle of everyday working life. A healthy diet at work is therefore almost impossible for many. Let’s make the impossible possible together! There were also two very interesting lectures “Brainfood – eating right for more concentration” and “Who eats well in their job? Implementation tips for every day work”, as well as the opportunity to taste healthy foods at the “Brainfood Station”. In addition, each participant was given the opportunity to take part in the BARMER body check. The following topic was put into practice here: “In 20 minutes you can find out how your body is made up and what you can do if you want to change something about it”.
Thanks to the three very committed employees of the Barmer health insurance company and a state-certified nutritionist, the day was a complete success!