In 1975, Ulrich Littau founded the LBL Elektrotechnik company in Elmshorn together with a business partner. Unfortunately, the business Partners split in 1989. The L&S Elektrotechnik Littau & Sohn GmbH is founded and resumes business operations. Holger Littau, son of the company founder, joins the management ranks, thus ushering in the era of the second generation. Company headquarters are moved to Bevern near Barmstedt.
It all began in 1975
In 1999, growing markets cause a continuous rise in demand which makes new office space necessary and thus yet another relocation to Kiebitzreihe. By this time, Holger Littau has taken over as sole captain at the helm of the company.
In 2009, the product range has been extended to the filter Technology segment.
2010 + 2012
In 2010 and 2012 space restrictions necessitated purchasing the neighboring properties upon which a new facility hall and a warehouse could be erected. With 5,500 square meters the new property easily accommodates a production/storage and office compound of 2,300 square meters with ample space for the wider product portfolio while leaving space in reserve for future expansion plans.
As of 01 January 2016, HLE Holger Littau Elektrotechnik GmbH were merged with L&S Elektrotechnik Littau & Sohn GmbH, which was renamed as LITTAU GmbH. With the consolidation of both companies, we would like to create even more efficient company structures for our customers, suppliers and employees in the future. By optimising our processes and procedures, we will create a further improved customer support and a holistic, transparent service portfolio.